Zaid Snobar
Saskia Willinge
Creatives for Palestine WA
1948: Palestine in Pictures
07 Jun – 06 Jul 2024
Cool Change and PS Art Space are pleased to present 1948: Palestine in Pictures, an exhibition and event series curated by Zaid Snobar and Saskia Willinge in association with Creatives for Palestine WA.
The project, which inaugurates the CC × PS exhibition program in the upstairs gallery at PS Art Space in Walyalup/Fremantle, provides insight into Palestinian history and culture through a combination of photography, textile, and sculpture works anchored by the experiences of Boorloo/Perth’s Palestinian community.
Within the exhibition, Emma Daisy’s newly commissioned photographic portraits of four Palestinian families are exhibited alongside archival family photos and didactic texts, connecting the past to the present while evidencing the resilience of Muslim and Christian Palestinian families shaped by the displacement of the 1948 Nakba.
Other artworks in the exhibition include a quilt by Kabira Hassim made of smaller pieces partly embroidered at the Curtin University student Gaza solidarity encampment, a large-scale textile map of the exodus by Jessica Priemus with embroidery and embellishment from the community, and a series of ceramic keys by Mia Kelly.
Concurrent with the exhibition, a program of events in the space will amplify Palestinian voices through storytelling, teach-ins, poetry, music, and food, amongst other things. Sales and proceeds from the project will be donated to charities supporting Palestine.
Exhibition opening:
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Friday, 7 June 2024
Exhibition duration:
8 June – 6 July 2024
CC × PS:
Level 1 (PS Art Space)
22 Pakenham Street
Fremantle WA 6160
Sunday – Monday • Closed
Tuesday – Friday • 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday • 12:00 – 5:00 PM
Please note: PS Art Space’s upstairs gallery is only accessible by a two-flight staircase; no lift access is available.
Thursday, 13 June • 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Silence & Women’s Equality: A panel discussion with diverse leaders and scholars
With Sen. Fatima Payman, Samiha Olwan, and Sisonke Msimang
Moderated by Rania Samawi
Friday, 14 June • 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Disappearing Palestine: A conversation with Nakba survivor Jafar Ramini
Thursday, 20 June • 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Christianity in the Holy Land
With Jason Damouni, Jarrod McKenna, and Rev. Sophia Lizares
Moderated by John Na’em Snobar
Thursday, 27 June • 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Food as Unity: A Palestinian Story
With Sandra Bahbah-Gleeson

Zaid Snobar is a Palestinian-Australian artist and musician based in Boorloo/Perth. He completed a double major in Political Science and Marketing at UWA in 2022 before moving to Egypt in 2023 to study traditional Arabic music at the Cairo Opera House. Zaid is an active member of the community-led initiative Creatives for Palestine WA. He is committed to supporting the Palestinian cause by bringing his valuable experience to planning actions and events and uniting Palestinian communities and artistic networks.
Saskia Willinge is a musician, curator, and arts administrator living and working in Boorloo/Perth. In 2023, she co-curated and produced the Walyalup Weekend of Improvised Music, a two-day festival featuring 26 artists and four talks. She has also curated concerts for Tone List, Sound Exploration Fremantle, Tenth Muse Initiative, and Propel Youth Arts WA. Recently, Saskia was a member of the 2024 Perth Festival Lab and pvi collective’s 2024 edition of KISS Club. She regularly performs improvised music and plays in indie bands around Boorloo.