Tom Rogers
Sophie Durand
Cool Change
FORM: 4 Spells and Exchange? Launch Party
03 Feb 2024
Join us on Saturday from 4pm on the 3rd of February for an opening evening for Cool Change's Out-of-Office residency at FORM Gallery.
RSVP Essential: RSVP here
Featuring the world premiere of Tom Rogers' film 4 Spells and the launch of Sophie Durand's exhibition Exchange? [Meet = Meet Another + Another Meets Initial Other] developed during her residency Guesting and Hosting at FORM, featuring works by Kipras Dubauskas, Marta Frėjutė, Anton Karyuk, Loora Kaubi, Joosep Kivimäe, Ieva Laskevičiūtė, Anna Malicka, Ingrid Helena Pajo, Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė.
Exchange? is a multimedia exhibition which includes textiles, sculpture, moving image art, drawing and photography. In the larger tradition of artists travelling with small physical artworks in their luggage to aid the economic presentation of national or international art, all artworks have been borrowed from friends in the Baltic Region and fit within an airline’s luggage limit with some extra details preparedlocally with support of local artists.
Musing on the idea that travelling (noun) is the moment when one invents understanding [invokes] perception perceives a reality, classifies as a whole and fails to recognise that this potential is a mere fragment or perhaps even a fiction. Caught between the state of being a tourist and a local, one can recognise that they are at the edge of knowing. The task is to ask at what point can one step beyond that or recognise that they can’t go further without accepting the experiences of others as truth. Within this relation or rather alongside these relations sit as suggestions and speculations. With correspondence at play, reciprocation is actioned in the present tense. An introduction (noun) manifests in the moment before; it is a suggestion and a speculation of what is, what could be and what has been. The plausible and the propositional in dynamic movement. Shadows and echo but what shadows and echoes could be when they exist in the future tense.
For Tom, this new work, 4 Spells, was made over his three-week intensive residency period and encompasses the creation of four personal spells. Originally returning to Walyalup/Fremantle from Naarm/Melbourne to visit family and friends over the summer, this vacation-cum-working-holiday, Tom has undertaken the development and production of a narrative short film centred on the creation and documentation of a magick sigil.
Featuring Georgia Martin and Olivia O'donnell, written and filmed on Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Land. Concept, filming and editing by Tom Rogers on Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung and Whadjuk Noongar Land. Sound Design by Ben Aguero. Music by Darlene Matheson. Filming by David West, Jill Rogers and Leonie Brialey.
Free Drinks and Snacks Provided. We look forward to seeing you then.
Address is 4 Shenton Road Claremont. Parking available, also accessible by train directly next to Claremont train station. FORM is accessible and has accessible bathrooms.
Out-of-Office has been made possible by The Town of Claremont, Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries and Creative Australia, with support from FORM Gallery and staff.