• Jen Datu

CC: W.I.P. – Jen Datu




28 Oct 2023


Cool Change is pleased to present an exhibition of works in progress by Jen Datu, the first artist-in-residence for 2023 in our inaugural Residency Program.

Setting out to relate the physicality of their Muay Thai training to their recent forays into textile art during this residency, Jen has begun work on a series of woven tapestries likening images from B-grade American martial arts films to The Stations of the Cross. The body of work considers spirituality and corporeality from a queer Fillipinx perspective, investigating formal and historical aspects of scroll tapestries and evoking images from historical narratives and prayer objects.

CC: W.I.P. is an exhibition format developed by Cool Change to share the outcomes of artists participating in our Residency Program. The exhibition series will make the studio practices, research, and conversations advanced over our two-month residency periods tangible to a larger audience. Combined with peripheral events, CC: W.I.P. intends to draw out the experimental qualities of ‘works in progress’: earworms, preoccupations, discoveries, mistakes, and daydreaming.

After the opening, the exhibition will remain open from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Thursdays and Fridays until 10 November 2023.

This program is supported by the Government of Western Australia’s DLGSC (Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries) and the Australia Council for the Arts.

Artist-in-Residence: Jen Datu